Power Supply | 24VAC/DC (12...34 V AC 50Hz / 12...34 V DC), 2.0 VA |
Dimensions, external (WxHxD) | 69x75x44 mm |
Analogue output load impedance 0...10v | Min. 10 kΩ |
Measuring range, temp | -30...70 °C |
Sensor element, temperature | PT1000 |
Measuring range, lux | 0...100000 lux |
Output signal, lux | 0...10 V, corresponding to the selected measuring range |
Accuracy, lux | ±10 % at °C |
Protection class | IP54 |
Ambient humidity (non-condensing) | 0...98 % RH |
Storage temperature | -30...70 °C |
Mounting | Wall |
Weight, incl. packaging | 0.17 kg |
Accuracy, temperature | ±0.3 K K |
Terminal type | Screw Terminal |
Terminal wire size | 1.5 mm² |
Material, housing | Plastic PA6 |
Color, housing | RAL9010 |